药用植物马蓝(Baphicacanthus cusia) 是福建道地药材之一,由其茎叶加工而成的青黛,以福建产品质最佳, 被誉为建青黛。马蓝的根入药称南板蓝根,与青黛一起同为《中国药典》药材品种。由于药效确切,大量中成药以马蓝源性药材组方。 目前市场上以南板蓝根入药的中成药品种有17种, 含青黛的中成药品种则多达114种。近年来,非典、甲流及禽流感等流行病频频肆虐发威,市场上以马蓝为基源的中药材供不应求,造成马蓝的种植只重数量,不顾质量,马蓝的种质资源保护和驯化栽培没有得到重视。再加上近年来对生态环境的破坏,老百姓对野生马蓝药材的掠夺性开发,导致很难发现成片生长的野生马蓝。道地马蓝的优质种质资源正在面临流失、退化和灭绝的危险。建青黛等道地药材的资源安全、可持续发展和利用将难以为继。

Natural indigo has been used as dye, medicine and cosmetics for thousands years in the world. Indigo also appeared in the Silk Road (on the sea) from China. Until now, many places in China still use natural indigo to dyeChinese traditional clothes.

One hundred years ago, success in indigo synthesis helped Bayer won the Nobel prize. Cheaper synthetic indigo then replaced natural indigo. Every year, about 4 billion blue cowboy garments and 45 thousand tons synthetic indigo are produced in the world.
However, a variety of hazardous chemicals are used for indigo synthesis. Discharge of dyeing wastewater into river has caused serious environment damage. The awakening of ecological consciousness rearouse people's attention on renewable, innoxious and harmless natural indigo. Levi's jeans dyed with natural indigo went back to Paris T platform.

Indigo plants, such as Isatis tinctoria L. and Baphicacanthus cusia (Nees) Bremek. are the only natural source of blue dye. In China, these plants are widely grown as dye crops. However, low indigo content limits market competitiveness of natural indigo.

How to improve the quality of indigo dye crops, is a practical problem needing to be solved. We plan to mine genes related to secondary metabolism of indigo, clarify the regulatory mechanism, and optimize germplasm and genetic transformation, so as to breed high-quality strains of indigo dye crops.

In addition, leaf (Folium Isatidis), root (Radix Isatidis) and indigo by-products (indigo naturalis) of these indigo dye crops, are important traditional Chinese herbal medicines. Significant efficacy of indirubin on leukemia was found by Chinese academician Chen Z. The further development medicinal use of indigo dye crops is an important way to increase the comprehensive efficiency of crop utilization.